Seeing Christians react on Social media during this election has been interesting. We all have a voice, but we are called to a higher standard when we use our voice. God will bless us if we honor him with our words. My thoughts this morning:
Right now, as Christians, we need to count the cost of the words that we speak and the attitude that we project. Remember, the world is watching how we react when it seems as if God has not heard us. If we speak of life, of hope, of promise, of joy, of love, the world will notice. If we speak out of anger, fear, dread, and we speak out words that predict failure…not only will the world feel as if it has won and this Jesus we follow is not powerful, but you will also be speaking into existence the very things we do not want. Your reaction determines the reach that you have in this fallen world. Seek the Lord with all of your heart, trust him with everything and then speak words that honor God, honor you and honor our leaders. The world will notice and maybe just maybe they will see Jesus in us. God is with us, He is the ultimate authority we follow and people watch our follow. Remember, the words you speak and how you react echo into eternity. Words have power. Use them wisely.