Every weekend we have a team huddle. I have created a template that I think works well and is a source to set up your team to have and provide an excellent experience. Here it is! I hope this helps you inspire your teams!
I. Lead with Heart ***
One Day Story
2. WILD (Worship, Intercession, Life, Declaration) Prayer (turn up music so people will feel comfortable praying and speaking out loud. You lead it.
3. Flow of the weekend (go over Planning Center flow and walk through from the parking lot to the auditorium) Our GOAL is to eliminate any barrier or distraction that would keep people from receiving the Word of God or receiving Jesus as their Savior
Welcome them to Champions Centre
Offer Assistance
Touch them (shake their hand)
4. Introduce Team leads for the weekend
5. Welcome New Volunteers and have them introduce themselves and the team they are joining.Give them the Team Shadow Experience (Greeter/Usher/Parking/Tent Team, etc), WSP & Volunteer Commitment form.
*** If you don’t do #1 – then you may as well forget doing a huddle.
The main purpose of the huddle is to inspire and prepare the team to serve others. The details/task part means nothing if you don’t have the heart and passion for the day and how God is going to use them to change a life! We need to connect the lives of our Volunteers to the lives of people coming to church. We have to share that this day, it somebody’s “One Day”. There is nothing ordinary about this day or how God is going to use them.