You Were Born to Change the World

posted by robinrmccoy March 27, 2017 0 comments
Flawed and Strong 1

With Easter coming in just a few short weeks, let us be reminded that we have been given the opportunity and the power, by God, to change the world. Easter is a pivotal time for many people as they come to church. To them, it may simply be tradition that brings them, but it is us that can prepare the way for Jesus to change them. We can remind ourselves and our teams that we are world changers! During this season, more than any other time, we have the potential for maximum impact in the lives of those walking through our doors. You matter in this call that Jesus gives…

Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!” And they left their nets at once and followed him. Matthew 4:19-21

All my life there has been a voice inside me that whispers… “You were born to change the world.” As a teenager, I thought that meant that I would be famous. I thought that by being famous, I would be in a position to be heard and then able to speak hope into the lives of people.

As I woke up this morning, I heard that whisper once again, “You were born to change the world.” and I asked God, “Have I changed the world yet?”

Never in a million years would I have ever thought that changing the world had anything to do with the Lord. But, changing the world has taken on an entirely new, exciting and yet different meaning and way of life than I would have expected. Changing the world, I think, begins small… one person, one relationship, one connection at a time. From that one encounter, the ripple effect of exuberant life begins to flow and grow. I have no idea who you and I may have touched in the course of a day, but I think that, one way or another, everyone of us has an impact on the world with each encounter. How we chose to impact the world is a daily decision. Will we express life? Will we seek to touch others hearts with the heart of our Savior? Will we somehow imbed in the minds of those we meet that they are significant, valuable, worth it, and that they matter?

Changing the world and making it better really has nothing to do with being famous. The voice that we each have been given carries more weight and influence in our every day lives rather that those who’s lives are on the stage. We are there, in the midst of a lost and dying world and you and I, we are the ones Jesus has called to change it.

Have I changed the world yet Lord? I heard Him say…you have no idea the difference you make and how the world has changed because of you. I pray you hear Him today. I pray you see yourself as significant. valuable, worth it, and that you matter. I pray we all realize that we are world changers and the influence we carry is far greater than any movie star, billionaire or politician. I think all of heaven is cheering us on. You are pretty famous to those that really matter. So, go out and change the world today.


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